Coronavirus Notice

To Our Valued Customers: 

As you know, the coronavirus has created a time of uncertainty and concern. It is extremely vital to use precaution and practice the CDC recommended prevention methods. Due to the recent “Stay at Home Order” from Amy Acton MD, MPH, Director of the Ohio Department of Health, please read the following:
  • Our office hours remain Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Office is closed on Saturday until further notice.  
  • Effective Tuesday, March 24, 2020 we’re reserving the first hour of our office opening (8:00am – 9:00am) for our most vulnerable customers, including those over 65 years old, pregnant women, or those defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as vulnerable or at-risk.
  • Our maintenance staff will be using precautionary measures in the form of gloves and/or masks.
  • To help maintain the cleanest and safest environment (to the best of our ability) for you and our employees, we are intensifying cleaning practices at our leasing offices and at all our residential and commercial properties.
  • Whenever possible, please use AppFolio, email, text or call to help decrease social interaction. 
  • We ask that anyone who has traveled (or been in direct contact with anyone who has) to China, Schengen Area countries, Europe or Italy since January 1, 2020, to please reschedule any in person appointments for a period of at least 14 days since returning to the United States.
  • Do you feel unwell (even with mild symptoms such as headache and slight runny nose), have a fever, have a cough or difficulty breathing? If so, please seek medical advice immediately, please do not visit our office in person, and please do not permit any of our maintenance personnel into your apartment without appropriate protection.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unusual time. We greatly appreciate your cooperation with us in working together to help control this outbreak. We will continue to review information provided by the CDC, Governor DeWine, and other important and helpful resources. As a result of these reviews, and the ever-changing recommendations and rules, the above may change.
You can always reach us by phone at 419-353-5800; or by email at

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